Save the Date: A Nymian Royal Valentione’s Day

Greetings from Brynhildr’s premier academic institution!

On behalf of the Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students of the Nymian Royal Academy I, Headmistress Kela, formally and cordially do invite you to our second-ever server-wide event: a very Valentione’s Glamour Contest!

The event will take place on Sunday the 17th of February in the year 2019 at 6:00 in the evening, Pacific time. The location is the Library of the Royal Academy Campus, located in Shirogane, ward 12, plot 7. We will be using our basement auditorium, restaurant and bar for this event. All participants, including contestants, judges and spectators, should show up promptly so that the event can start on time, but there is no need to register with us in advance. Just bring yourself on the day of and be ready to follow instructions to help the event run smoothly!

The event will feature a Glamour Fashion Walk off. There are two categories for Valentione’s day: singles and couples. Each category has it’s own theme: singles – The Bachelor(ette); couples – Yin and Yang. Contestants will line up to the side of our stage and take turns walking the stage for the spectators and judges. Screenshots will be taken and uploaded externally via Discord where a popular vote of those in attendance will take place. The winners of the popular vote (determined by most reactions of any kind), the one single and each member of the couple pair (three total) will receive 2 million gil each as a Grand Prize.

In addition, members of the Audience are invited to be guest “judges” and award prizes of their choosing to their personal favorites, even should they not win the popular vote. Judges cannot participate in the contest if they are giving out a choice prize for that category, so this is a special way for people not participating as contestants to still contribute. Judges will be invited to announce and award prizes to their choices after the fashion walk has concluded and while votes are being tallied. As with our Starlight Formal, we invite the Brynhildr community to be generous in the spirit of making the event a success.

While everyone has a chance to vote, we will be turning up the music and having another dance/rave. Bring a second glamour if you want to be comfortable while you party hard!

Any questions can be addressed to myself via Discord DM @Kela#8130, or comment on our social media postings and someone will address your concerns. Thank you so much for making our server the best in North America, and for making the Royal Academy such a positive and successful influence. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

Headmistress Kekela nym Kela

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